Strength and fragility

I paint and draw animals, people and sometimes landscapes. Working animals interest me as painting objects, and I just love drawing them from life in the fields around me or painting them on a big scale in my studio, which is in a converted dairy farm just north of Amsterdam. You can't find me happier than when painting a life size giant bull with huge brushes and broad strokes.

On a deeper level, the long standing and sometimes uncomfortable relationship between kept animals and humans keeps coming back in the work, whether I paint horses, donkeys, cows or apes. Their dependence upon us, and their trust, give us a huge responsibility. I'm not at all sure that we as humans always live up to our part of the deal. In most of my work this relationship between humans and animals plays a role, sometimes overt, sometimes more in the background.

Drawing and painting living creatures from life is challenging and exciting. Animals move around, and this means that speed is important. I like the thrill of trying to get it right in one go, but visible signs of searching for the right shapes are part of the work, too. The brushstroke is essential and I try to achieve the freshness of my life sketches in the larger studio paintings as well.




Four geese, oil on paper 130x85 cm
Four geese, oil on paper 130x85 cm

Current and upcoming exhibitions

January 18 - February 23

Solo "Wereldreis van één kilometer", Boterhal, Hoorn

January 19

Broadcast "Gezonken Meesters", 20.25 NPO1. Look back on NPO Start

February 24 - March 23

"Gezonken Meesters", Scheepvaartmuseum Amsterdam

April 19-20

"Working dogs", Deiglan gallery, Akureyri, Iceland - showing work I will make during the residency there, drawing and painting huskies.

April 24 - May 16

Figs group exhibition, Wackers academie, Amsterdam

May 1 - 4

Guest artist at the FIAAC (Foire International d'Art Actuel), Galerie du Mairie, Pouilly sur Loire, France

June 30 - July 6

Schilderfestival Noordwijk